Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Knight - the sun

Dnes sa nesmelé slnko bilo s mrázom, ktorý mi hrýzol bradu. Ale ani -6 stupňov, ktoré svetielkovali červeným svetlom na ceste do práce, mi nepokazili moju radosť. Konečne prišiel čas vytiahnuť slnečné okuliare z tašky. Pretože slnko sa bilo s mrázom a víťazilo! Hladilo naše tváre a lúče nám vyťahovalo kútiky pier do úsmevov.

Today, the timid sun was beating with frost, the frost biting my chin. But neither - 6 degrees glowing in red light on my way to work,couldn't put out of my joy. Finally I pulled out sunglasses from the bag. Because the sun was beating with frost and the sun won.
The sun caressed our faces and rays dragged out the corners of lips to smile.



 From clear to colored, they’ve got something for everyone:


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